Cirrhosis Of The Scalp: How To Treat It

Autoimmune Diseases

Have you been diagnosed with scalp cirrhosis? This is a common skin disorder that’s known as scalp psoriasis. It might spread to other areas like the forehead, neck, and ears. Fun Fact: Studies show that up to two-thirds of people with skin conditions aren’t aware of them. If you have psoriasis it’s important to know the basics like signs/symptoms, causes, treatments, and prevention. This will help to deal with it as effectively as possible. If you notice major changes to your skin it’s important to get it checked out. In many cases, it’s not a serious problem. However, there are times it could be a skin condition/disease that requires treatment to manage it effectively.

Cirrhosis of the scalp that causes red/scaly skin patches. If you observe these symptoms it’s critical to have a skin doctor give a checkup and order tests if necessary. This can help to determine whether it’s a sign of psoriasis. In some cases it is and other times it’s another condition. As always it’s better to be on the safe side. If you have scalp cirrhosis then it’s critical to know so you can get it treated if necessary. This can help to make it easier to deal with the condition.

What Exactly Is Scalp Cirrhosis?

This is a relatively common skin condition that causes the head’s skin to become itchy/painful. The main symptoms are skin patches that are raised/reddish. They’re often flaky also. Sometimes there’s one or multiple patches on the scalp. In other cases, the entire scalp is affected.

Scalp psoriasis can also spread to other parts of the face/body including the forehead, inside ears, and back of neck. So it’s important to treat this condition as soon as possible to help prevent it from spreading to other areas. If that happens it can be tougher to deal with the condition.

If you have this condition you won’t have to worry about infecting other people with psoriasis since it’s non-infectious. However, you should still treat the condition so it won’t worsen over time.

Health experts are unsure of what causes scalp psoriasis. It’s believed it might be triggered by an immune system problem. It could cause cells on the skin/scalp to grow too fast. When that happens it develops into patches.

Genetics seems to be a factor that can affect a person’s chance of having scalp cirrhosis. So if your family members have this condition it’s more likely that you’ll have the same condition.

Psoriasis can also appear in other areas of the face/body besides the scalp. In fact, around half of all Americans with skin cirrhosis. Scalp cirrhosis is uncommon in most cases, skin cirrhosis appears on both the scalp and face/body.

The severity of scalp cirrhosis can vary from mild to severe. For example, it can last for a short time and be difficult to notice. In other cases, it’s long-term and causes different side-effects like itching, sores, and lack of sleep.

Scratching your head can make the condition worse. It can cause side-effects like skin infections as well as hair loss.

Scalp Cirrhosis: Symptoms and Treatments

There are various possible symptoms based on how serious the scalp condition is. In mild cases, it might cause just a little scalp scaling. In this situation, it’s not a major situation.

However, there are also moderate/severe symptoms that patients might experience:

  • Dry scalp
  • Silver/White scales
  • Hair loss
  • Itching
  • Dandruff-like flakes
  • Red/Scaly/Bumpy patches
  • Burning/Soreness

There are various treatments you can use including:

Topical Treatments

This is the first type of treatment to try, which can add to the skin directly. Some options include:

  • Creams
  • Soaps
  • Gels
  • Ointments
  • Shampoos
  • Oils
  • Foams
  • Lotions

While over-the-counter (OTC) options are available strong medicines need a prescription. When you pick OTC options they usually have ½ medicines that are FDA-approved for treating psoriasis.

Meanwhile, there are also various prescription medicines on the market you can take to treat scalp cirrhosis. They treat different conditions including:

These treatments must be placed directly on the scalp until it heals. The process can take 8+ weeks to work. After psoriasis clears you can then shampoo regularly or 2x weekly with particular medicines.

In-Office Treatments

There are various office treatments that can be added to a doctor’s office. The treatments are either added directly to the scalp or through injections. Other options include laser treatments. This involves using a powerful laser to treat the condition.

Another option is UV light treatments for the whole scalp. This treats the affected area and prevents healthy scalp areas from being affected. If you have thin hair then your doctor might recommend that you allow natural sunlight to contact your hair/scalp.

Prescription Medicines

A doctor might prescribe these drugs in the case of moderate/severe scalp cirrhosis. This could include one that’s taken orally or through a needle. It’s important to talk to your doctor about the different options when selecting a medicine.

Natural Treatments for Skin Cirrhosis

  • Probiotics: These are “healthy germs” that are found in fermented foods like sauerkraut and yogurt. You can also get probiotics from supplements. Studies show that they can help to provide various benefits like balancing the body’s bacteria. They also might help to boost the immune system, which could help to fight various skin conditions.
  • Grapes: In particular, Oregon grapes seem to help reduce the immune system’s reaction to psoriasis. A study on 3 clinical trials showed that the grapes are safe/effective for treating psoriasis that’s mild or moderate.
  • Chili Peppers: There’s something in these chili peppers known as “capsaicin” Studies show that it can reduce inflammation. Some old studies show that the chemical compounds in chili peppers seem to help to treat skin conditions. It’s worth noting that the studies were in the 80s and 90s so more research is needed about whether capsaicin is an effective treatment for scalp cirrhosis.
  • Turmeric: There’s a chemical compound in turmeric spice known as “curcumin” that might help to fight cirrhosis of the scalp. The active ingredient might reduce the body’s inflammation and also reduce the skin condition’s symptoms. A recent study review found out that there’s a lot of evidence that shows curcumin can help to treat psoriasis effectively. A 2016 study also showed that the potential of curcumin for treating psoriasis was “great.”
  • Omega-3: Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids including fish/fish oil can help to reduce inflammation and improve conditions like immune system diseases.
  • Sunlight: Sunlight exposure can help to improve the scalp’s condition. Make sure to limit the exposure to 5-5 minutes around noon. Make sure now to increase the sun exposure too much since this can cause various health issues and especially if you don’t apply sunscreen to skin. You can gradually boost your sun exposure by 30 seconds daily to treat scalp cirrhosis.

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