Cirrhosis NCLEX Questions: What To Expect On Liver Inflammation Portion


If you want to become a Registered Nurse in the United States or Canada, then you might have heard of the NCLEX. It is a type of exam for aspiring entry-level nurses. But what questions should you expect on the liver inflammation portion of the NCLEX? In this article, we will try to provide you with sample NCLEX questions about liver inflammation and cirrhosis. Read on to find out more!

The NCLEX-RN: A Brief Backgrounder

The NCLEX-RN Exam or the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) has a single goal: to find out if one is already qualified to start his or her practice as an entry-level nurse. It is a test that is drastically different from any form of nursing test that you may have encountered while studying nursing in school. Most school exams are knowledge-based, but tests in the NCLEX-RN look at a candidate’s capacity to analyze and apply what they have learned in their nursing schools. In short, the said exam will look at the candidate’s nursing judgments and critical thinking skills.

The NCLEX-RN has a specific format that is based on the “Meeting the Clients’ Needs.” There are categories subdivided into four (4) parts and subcategories subdivided into eight (8) parts.

Most nursing courses are based on traditional models of medical studies where candidates are tasked to undergo separate classes in obstetrics, psychiatric, pediatric, surgical, and medical fields. During the NCLEX-RN exam though, there is an integration of all the contents.

In terms of questions, the NCLEX-RN mostly uses multiple-choice questions with the possible answers displayed right after the question. The possible answers will usually be four (4) questions. There are times, though, when questions can include alternate forms of questions such as drag and drop, chart/ exhibit, hot spots, fill in the blanks, and multiple response types of questions.

NCLEX-RN Exam Format

As stated earlier, the NCLEX-RN is based around four major categories based on meeting the needs of clients. These four major categories include:

  1. Safe and Effective Care Environment

This first category is further subdivided into two subcategories which include:

  • Management of Care– This category makes up for around 17% to 23% of the questions. Some of the things tackled during this portion are Supervision, Referrals, Legal Responsibilities, Informed Consent, Ethical practice, Establishing priorities, Delegation, Quality Improvement, Continuity of Care, Confidentiality concepts of management, client rights, case management, advocacy, and advanced directives.
  • Safety and Infection Control- This portion accounts for around 9% to 15% of the questions in the exam and covers the use of restraints, standard precautions, surgical asepsis, hazardous materials, error prevention, and accident prevention.
  • Health Promotion and Maintenance- This Client Needs category is the second one in the NCLEX-RN and deals with health promotion and maintenance. The questions under this portion make up around 6% to 12% of the test. Some of the things checked during this category are:
    • Self-care
    • High-risk behaviors
    • Health promotion programs
    • Physical assessment techniques
    • Lifestyle choices
    • Health screening
    • Disease prevention
    • Developmental stages
    • Transitions
    • Postpartum
    • Newborn care
    • Aging process
  • Psychosocial integrity- This is the third category in client needs and makeup around 6% to 12 % of the test. This category covers various aspects of healthcare such as family dynamics, end of life care, coping mechanisms, crisis intervention, behavioral interventions, chemical dependency, therapeutic communication, support systems, stress management, sensory/perceptual alterations, spiritual influence on health, mental health concepts, grief and loss, and coping mechanisms.
  1. Physiological identity

This category is the final Client need consideration, and it has four (4) subcategories under it. These are:

  • Basic care and comfort– This portion of the exam makes up around 6% to 12% of the questions of the NCLEX-RN. This covers to rest and sleep, personal hygiene, nutrition, and oral hydration, nonpharmacological comfort interventions, mobility, elimination, and assistive devices.
  • Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies– This portion makes up around 12% to 18% of the test. Topics covered in this category include dosage calculation, total parenteral nutrition, pharmacological pain management, medication administration, intravenous therapy, expected effects, Chemotherapy, Central Venous access devices, Blood and blood products, adverse effects, and contraindications.
  • Reduction of Risk potential- This portion of the exam makes up around 9% to 15% of the test and it covers several health concepts such as therapeutic procedures, the potential for complications from surgical procedures, and health alterations. laboratory values, and diagnostic tests.
  • Physiological Adaptation- This final subcategory makes up around 11% to 17% of the exam. This also covers different concepts such as unexpected response to therapies, pathophysiology, medical emergencies, hemodynamics, electrolyte imbalances, and alterations in the body system.


For the NCLE-RN grading, there is no numerical score. People can only get either a failing mark or a passing mark. The results of the exam will be done via notification to the examinee by the State Board of Nursing after two weeks to a month.

Cirrhosis NCLEX Questions: Sample Questions for Inflammation of the Liver

Below are some of the possible questions regarding inflammation of the liver

  1. What conditions can lead to liver cirrhosis and inflammation?
  2. Which complications can lead to portal hypertension?
  3. What are some of the symptoms of severe splenomegaly?
  4. Which meal is best for patients admitted for encephalopathy secondary to cirrhosis?
  5. What will you tell a patient with liver cirrhosis who has concerns about breast tissue enlargement?
  6. What do you call a smell that is sweet and must in the breath of patients with liver cirrhosis?
  7. What resides in the liver to aid in the removal of old red blood cells, debris, and bacteria.
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